Three tips for starting your 2020 Year off right…
Happy New Year ladyfolk!
Let's talk New Years vibes...Feeling the motivation of the New Year? Are you someone who makes New Year's Resolutions? How about intention or goal setting? I like to think of resolutions similar to goals or intention setting.
I really like to set my intention at the start of every day, because really every day is a fresh start not just January 1st. New Years resolutions end up becoming more my over arching themes for the whole year and a little less specific. I use my daily/weekly/monthly intentions to really narrow down the details of what I want to accomplish to feel my best. What follows are resolutions to help you make 2018 creative and happy.. Let's make this the best year ever!
For 2018 my resolutions are aimed at making this my year the best year ever, with a focus on health, creativity and family/friends. This year if I am feeling creatively or personally drained i am going to reflect on these resolutions...
This could be taking a class or workshop. I am personally thinking a couple cooking classes (in particular knife skills and pasta making), a macrame workshop and possibly audited an art class at my alma mater. You could also always join me at a Watercolor and Wine workshop, their are always new subjects we paint. Continuing to learn could also be as simple as reading a book, taking a class online or watching an educational documentary on Netflix.
I definitely find that friends and family encourage my creativity. It used to be easier to run into friends and family when everyone was closer but now I find I do really have to put in the effort to make plans. That's it, every week I am just trying to connect with someone to go for a hike, grab lunch, come over to the studio... it is lonely working from home so any social interaction I can have during the day keeps the creativity and happiness going.
It's the latest buzz word, but so essential, self care. Whether a weekly face mask, meditation, taking vitamins, eating healthy food full of fruits and veggies, journaling, de-cluttering and cleaning, organizing, drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning... all things I have the intention of remembering to implement.
My personal Ideas include hiking, golfing, bowling, dance classes, walking to the farmers market saturdays, walking on the beach, walking my dog, signing up for a fun marathon. The goal here is for you to either find one thing or variety of things you love to keep you active. I still want to get my gym workouts in 3-4x a week but also want to just have fun being active as well with hobbies and friends.
My husband and I are always trying to go explore new places by going camping. The problem is we go a couple times at the start of the year and then get so busy with work, holidays etc. we never go again for the rest of the year. This year I want to schedule and plan it so it actually happens. This will also help me have a happier year by giving me trips to look forward to. my goal is to mainly use these trips to relax and collect inspiration through photos, visiting new places and sketching.
I think I'm actually going to hand-letter my resolutions in watercolor and hang them on my mood board as a daily visual reminder of my intentions for the year. I will be sharing more with you this month to continue the inspiration and creativity throughout the New Year. Tell me in the comments what are some of your resolutions or intentions for the new year??? Let us connect and inspire each other!